Friday 19 August 2011

Say hello to Me

People spend too much time thinking about how the blog looks like. Most of the people I know have blogs about random shit. Like this one. Well, this one isn't really random. It's a way of showing everyone how I've come to see this world.

For example, posting on blogs is worthless. Now, if people really want to hear what you have to say, you can go out and meet them in person. Unless you have some blog about science or cooking or photography etc.

But you see, everything we humans do is worthless. We're just so intelligent we can trick ourselves into thinking otherwise.

And I'll start with the most common of topics. A topic I hear so much about, a topic that's always put first in every conversation, a topic that's so full of shit it makes my stomach turn. And I have a tough stomach. I watched '2 girls 1 cup' and ate chocolate cookies afterwards. Now if you've seen that disgusting perverted piece of filth, chocolate will be the last thing you want to eat. Anyway, relationships. Oh, and love <3

I'll brake it down fo' y'all.

First thing you look at in a relationship is looks. Looks? Yes. Women like to see strong men, healthy. Men like to see women with big breasts, a thin waist and a large pelvis. Why? Well, as an instinct, your brain thinks that men that are strong will make healthy babies and provide food. Large breasts feed the babies, a thin waist means that there is no fat to harm the foetus and the pelvis size shows the odds of a woman surviving child birth (a long time ago, not with today's medicine). Also, smell is important. Yes, smell. If you like a person's sweaty odour, your child with them will have a more vast gene pool and will be able to fight diseases better. Another fun fact is why men simply love blondes (especially me). Well, most kids, in their youth have blond hair. So blonde hair is a sign of youth and our brain picks that up. Also, if you have blond hair and look in the mirror, your brain will think you are younger. And that's why blondes actually do have more fun.

Love. If you believe in God or such bullshit, I urge you to GET THE FUCK OUT NOW OR SHIT GETS PERSONAL. Now that only normal people are reading this (hopefully), we can continue. Yes, humans come from APES. And gorillas for example do have this thing we call "love". They mate for life, as in they choose one partner and stay with that partner until they die. Cute, ain't it? Chimpanzees, also apes, fuck like crazy. With everyone. Even male-on-male action. They need to be sure they will have kids. So chimps have huge balls. Gorillas know that the baby their female has is theirs. They have tiny ba- testicles. Us humans are in the middle. We try to be committed, but it doesn't always work...

How we fall in love? Well, pheromones tell us that genetically that person we are with will make mighty fine babies for us, healthy and strong. Now we humans are a we bit more complicated. We have issues. We also like people for their personality. And I can see why. I wouldn't want moving in with someone who I know will piss me off all day long.

Here's a link to "real love"    Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch

And that's about it with your love. So, we are animals. More sophisticated and we like making simple things hard. For example, if an animal wants food, it hunts. What do humans do? Go to school for a few years, get a job, get a pay-check and buy food. Not as fun.

Anything anyone would like to add?