Monday 12 December 2011

The Rape Of A Holiday and How to offend people

I can say I hate Christmas with a good reason. Well, it's fake. Jesus wasn't even born in December for starters. The Catholics decided to celebrate it near Hanukkah so it would be easy for the Jewish to convert. Just like they did with All Saints Day and Halloween.

Second bullshit: what is Christmas? The day our saviour, Jesus Christ, was born. He was going to bring peace. I'll be damned if religion isn't the main cause of war. Fuck you baby Jesus. Son of God my ass. He was born from a teenage bitch and her tutor aka adoptive father.

What else? Santa. Saint Nick, that gave his fortune to the needy. Now, we spend a fortune on food and gifts and poor people get nothing. I even saw a fast money loan advert for the holidays. Great.
And what is Santa now? He used to be green or purple. Then Coca-Cola painted him red and since then the jolly bastard gives the rich spoiled kids gifts.

Admit it. We love Christmas for the food, drinks and gifts. November has our stores filled with this crap. It starts in November. With all the toys and fake plastic trees.

China doesn't celebrate it, so I don't blame them for those Hanukkah candles. Plastic candles with lightbulbs that Christians put in their house as decorations. How can you not know it's a Jewish tradition?

Seriously, I could go on like this for ages. Fuck Christmas. Fuck those expensive street decorations, paid for with MY money. Taxpayers. Hope you have horrible holidays if you celebrate it.

Monday 28 November 2011

Telling Lies and Lestat the Vampire

"The hell is he on about with vampires?"

Easy. I was thinking today, while in the shower, and a certain part of "Interview With a Vampire" came to mind (the book). When Lestat's father was about to die, Lestat refused to talk to him. So Louis pretended to be Lestat and told Lestat's father he forgave him for everything he did. So the old blind man died peacefully. 

Certain lies are good. They make us feel good. Let's be honest, some people can't take the truth. It's the case with most breakups. It's mostly the same story. Clichés like "it's not you, it's me" or "I just don't feel like being in a relationship" are often heard. You don't want to hear "I found another girl, she's way hotter and you suck in bed anyway!" do you? You want to hear lies like "I'm not good enough for you". "I swear to not say the truth and everything EXCEPT the truth." 

I play the lottery. Just a little bit. Just to imagine me winning. It keeps me going. That nice pleasant thought. You can't live without hope. Believe, I have tried. You can't function in society. So, if you must, lie. Lie, unless they ASK for the truth. Unless you know they can take the truth.

I'm too honest. THIS does not apply to me. But it does to most people. 

Thursday 24 November 2011

Perverts and the art of judging other people

Erotic is when a man caresses his girlfriend with a feather.

Perverted is when he takes a whole chicken for this. 


Fun quote. And that basically explains everything. Many people don't understand the difference. But where is the limit? Where is that thin line between right and wrong? 
Some people I've met over the years see everything as being wrong. Things most of the population do and have been doing for ages now make people sick to their stomachs. Maybe even thinking about regular old-fashioned intercourse makes them ill. 

On the other hand, we have people with no shame. "Sharing is fun", "who, what, where and how are not important details" and so many other things. What do you see as being wrong? 

I see having more than two people as being wrong. Other people make it into a team sport, while on the other hand, some people don't even know what their bodies can do (yes, I'm talking about that thing people do with their hands). 

But... how do we solve this great dilemma? A problem causing so much hatred in our community for so long needs a solution! EASY! If you feel good doing it, your partner(s) feels good doing it and you don't share information to people that do not want to know about it, it should be okay! If it's consensual and you keep it private (unless you like showing it to people that WANT to see it) it shouldn't be a crime. Let me tell you, people do not get turned on from the same things. 

So, just relax. Think about what you're going to do, why and with who. Be honest to them. USE PROTECTION if you have multiple partners and get checked out at your local clinic. 

The rules in any such act are: don't involve drugs or alcohol, make sure they want it (animals don't want it, that's sick), do not insist on something the other person does not want to do and stop judging people. We're not the same. 

PS: If you're on the edge of a nervous breakdown, don't take your frustrations out on other people. Just, get laid or something...

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Let me check my schedule...

When you have to ask yourself if you have time to grab a bite to eat before class, your answer is probably no. 

Well hello there. Do you believe in them second chances? I blew my chances when I was younger. Being all care-free, having stupid priorities like girls and fun. Well, because of that, I didn't think what college I'd like to go to, I didn't study, didn't go to a nice university with a big fat scholarship. I got my second chance since I got my priorities: it's work. Work when you're young so you can be care-free the rest of your life not the other way around. If I'm a good little boy, I could go to Riga, Latvia with a scholarship for a semester. If I'm extra good, I might just stay there to finish school. That's my second chance. So now after I've actually attended every course today, I'm sitting in an office finishing a school presentation worth up to 30% of my grade. So 5 of the subjects I'll ace: English, Micro-Economics,  Law, Public Finance and PC skills. Now, Accounting and Math will be really hard to do. And the cherry has to be trying to find a new job AND finishing a course as a waiter. And getting EU health insurance. And filling out these scholarship papers. Today. 

But there is no time for complaining my friends! We need to stop whining and start doing! And don't forget to take some time for yourself, no matter how tired you are. I went to a piano recital (with a stupid little cunt that can't tell a piano from a laptop) that was simply mind-blowing. Two hours of bliss. And if I finish my presentation quickly I might get about 3 hours of sleep! HOORA! Well, cheerios ;-)

Sunday 6 November 2011

The Flea Market And The Mustache Salesman

I visited the flea market today. I wanted to see if I could find another pair of Levi's. I love those. Well, I did find two pairs: one barely used, but made for giants and another one that still had the tag on it (probably stolen) but way too small. I didn't find anything else I liked but I had fun walking around. Most of the people that sell stuff there are gypsies, some are old people. To sum things up...

~Rules of the Flea Market and other bizarre happenings~

-Everything is high quality, original merchandise.
-Everything is on sale. Sales get better by the minute. As the day goes by, they take prices down. 10 bucks, 5 bucks, 2 for 1 buck.
-Picking up something may lead in you buying something you do not want. Tactics being used for this: picking up the merchandise and telling you how good that shit is, telling you it looks great, telling you that it's fashionable to wear tight or baggy clothes, telling you to wear more clothes underneath so it fits (or thick socks for shoes), telling you that it's that much in a store. Weird fact: a gipsy told me to put down the boots I was looking at because they were crappy. Was it some sort of weird reverse psychology?
-Everything sounds like a bad radio advert "Cheap, only here, only today!" etc. Weird fact: someone was just screaming "CHEAP!" at the top of his lungs.
-Everyone is "a respectable businessman".
-It's all natural: everything is either pure cotton, real leather etc.
-Every appliance works! They just can't show it...
And last but not least: One man's trash is another man's treasure. Even an old laptop that runs a version of Windows prior to '95 or THE INTERNET.

Good night.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Men are stupid. Women are evil.

Nice title. It's all true. And don't think I have something against women. It's not your fault we men are assholes. Actually, it is... let me show you.

A while ago I was researching on rapists. The top FBI rapist profiles [here it is]. The men there raped because of trauma caused by a woman. Most of the time, their mother (like Freud said) and past relationships. It's just that women are built to mess us up. We can't control it. When it comes to ANYTHING ELSE, we can be more rational. Because men are more cold-hearted, I mean, I haven't seen many economic guru women for example. More male lawyers, more male politicians. You get the point. But when it comes to women, we are screwed. Oh fuck, that cute girl just smiled at me... And some of us are already picturing her naked. Some of us are imagining having kids and a dog and living together forever. Doesn't matter what exactly you are thinking, the point is, you're not really thinking about anything else. Hmmm, eat or buy my girlfriend a gift? If I do, maybe I'll get something. Well, I could use a diet anyway! It is so true.

Women sending mixed signals are the worst. They drive us mad. Does she like me? I mean, if I knew. Damn. I'll just follow her ass around until I find out. And you, yes you, women, don't even know what you do to us.

Beer commercials have boobs. Hell, everything has boobs. Why? Men are stupid. They don't think about the details. Let me give you an example. Me and a friend(girl) were handing out flyers at a car show. She gave out five times what I gave. I asked her and she simply explained: "Well, a girl smiles and the man sees her. In his head he thinks that if he takes the flyer, the girl will see him and he's one step closer to being with her." Yes. It's stupid. That's how our brains work. Useless.

The gays are the lucky ones. I think politicians are just jealous that they were born straight and gay people have no problem with women. And that's why gays have less right. Heck, sometimes even I envy them. Asexual sounds like bliss. Hormones. Instincts.

Girls, be happy you were born with a hole and not a hose. That hole is your golden ticket if you play it right. I bet misses Obama takes the important decisions...

Tuesday 20 September 2011


That one word over there keeps haunting me. It's that bitch that kept telling me I'm a yellow-belly, chicken-shit AKA 'PUSSY'. Yup. And even if I started of well a few months ago, filled with OPTIMISM AND SUCH, I quickly got put back into place. Well, it's time to say NO again and actually try to get somewhere in this Monopoly game we call life. And there's only one way of winning a Monopoly game: Money. Yes, that thing we invented, that thing that matters way too much to so many people. Well, money is a tool. A tool to get you things. 'The best things in life you can't buy with money'. It's uhm... somewhat true. ANYWAY, I've been fucked and I see myself in the need of a change of scenery: getting another rent, possibly with my parents even, but with different rules. Trying to eliminate the things that made me move out in the first place. A rule to getting back into a relationship after it failed the first time (love, friendship, work, etc) is to make sure that something has changed. I have to set some goals. motivate my lazy ass.

What motivated me to write is that I found a post on someone's blog that made me feel like I'm not that alone with my stupid rational thinking. Ignorance is bliss... it's so lovely to be stupid and not care. I've never actually achieved that state. You know, when you don't care about tomorrow and you enjoy the day? Nope, it's that one thought in the back of your mind that screws everything up. The demon. My demon is money. It's a hate-love thing. They say you want in life what you wanted the most in your childhood. Oprhans seek families and so on.

Maybe I should get some sleep or I could rant for hours.

Friday 19 August 2011

Say hello to Me

People spend too much time thinking about how the blog looks like. Most of the people I know have blogs about random shit. Like this one. Well, this one isn't really random. It's a way of showing everyone how I've come to see this world.

For example, posting on blogs is worthless. Now, if people really want to hear what you have to say, you can go out and meet them in person. Unless you have some blog about science or cooking or photography etc.

But you see, everything we humans do is worthless. We're just so intelligent we can trick ourselves into thinking otherwise.

And I'll start with the most common of topics. A topic I hear so much about, a topic that's always put first in every conversation, a topic that's so full of shit it makes my stomach turn. And I have a tough stomach. I watched '2 girls 1 cup' and ate chocolate cookies afterwards. Now if you've seen that disgusting perverted piece of filth, chocolate will be the last thing you want to eat. Anyway, relationships. Oh, and love <3

I'll brake it down fo' y'all.

First thing you look at in a relationship is looks. Looks? Yes. Women like to see strong men, healthy. Men like to see women with big breasts, a thin waist and a large pelvis. Why? Well, as an instinct, your brain thinks that men that are strong will make healthy babies and provide food. Large breasts feed the babies, a thin waist means that there is no fat to harm the foetus and the pelvis size shows the odds of a woman surviving child birth (a long time ago, not with today's medicine). Also, smell is important. Yes, smell. If you like a person's sweaty odour, your child with them will have a more vast gene pool and will be able to fight diseases better. Another fun fact is why men simply love blondes (especially me). Well, most kids, in their youth have blond hair. So blonde hair is a sign of youth and our brain picks that up. Also, if you have blond hair and look in the mirror, your brain will think you are younger. And that's why blondes actually do have more fun.

Love. If you believe in God or such bullshit, I urge you to GET THE FUCK OUT NOW OR SHIT GETS PERSONAL. Now that only normal people are reading this (hopefully), we can continue. Yes, humans come from APES. And gorillas for example do have this thing we call "love". They mate for life, as in they choose one partner and stay with that partner until they die. Cute, ain't it? Chimpanzees, also apes, fuck like crazy. With everyone. Even male-on-male action. They need to be sure they will have kids. So chimps have huge balls. Gorillas know that the baby their female has is theirs. They have tiny ba- testicles. Us humans are in the middle. We try to be committed, but it doesn't always work...

How we fall in love? Well, pheromones tell us that genetically that person we are with will make mighty fine babies for us, healthy and strong. Now we humans are a we bit more complicated. We have issues. We also like people for their personality. And I can see why. I wouldn't want moving in with someone who I know will piss me off all day long.

Here's a link to "real love"    Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch

And that's about it with your love. So, we are animals. More sophisticated and we like making simple things hard. For example, if an animal wants food, it hunts. What do humans do? Go to school for a few years, get a job, get a pay-check and buy food. Not as fun.

Anything anyone would like to add?